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Navigating ADHD: A Guide for Parents

As a parent, it's natural to have concerns about your child's development and well-being. If you've noticed that your child struggles with attention, focus, and impulsivity, you may be wondering if ADHD (Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder) is a factor. At the Learning Evaluation Center, we understand your concerns, and we're here to provide guidance and support through the journey of understanding and managing ADHD. Recognizing Signs of ADHD ADHD is a neurodevelopmental disorder that affects a child's…

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Unlocking the World of Testing Assessments: Types and Kinds of Assessment at Our Learning Evaluation Center

We understand that assessing various aspects of learning and development is crucial to unlocking your child's potential and supporting them at school. That's why we offer a wide range of testing assessments to address concerns, ranging from ADHD, learning disabilities, anxiety, and autism, to speech-language difficulties and occupational therapy needs. Let's explore the different types and kinds of assessment we provide to support your educational journey. Types of Assessment Offered Our Learning Evaluation Center specializes…

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What to Look for When Your Child is Getting a Learning Assessment: A Parent’s Guide

We know that when it comes to your child's education, you want to provide them with all the support they need to succeed. If you suspect that your child may have a learning disability, you're taking a crucial step by considering a learning assessment. But what exactly should you look for when your child is getting a learning assessment? Let's break it down in simple terms. 1. Recognize the Signs First, you want to be…

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4 Great Organizational Tools for Children with Learning Disabilities

Learning disabilities can present unique challenges, but with the right tools and strategies, you can help your child thrive academically and personally. Specifically, a learning disabilities can affect a child's ability to read, write, comprehend, or perform mathematical tasks. We know that these challenges are not indicative of a child's intelligence; instead, they relate to how the brain processes information. Identifying a learning disability can be a crucial first step. If you suspect your child…

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Navigating the Maze of Executive Functioning Issues in Kids: School, Social Life, and Home

Every child is unique, and some may face challenges that make it harder to succeed in school, interact with peers, and thrive at home. One such challenge is executive functioning issues. Understanding how these issues affect children in various areas of life is the first step to supporting their growth and development. In this blog post, we'll explore the impact of executive functioning issues in kids, from the classroom to their social lives and within…

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Box Breathing: A Mindfulness Technique for Parents of Teens with Anxiety

Parenting a teenager with anxiety can be a challenging experience. You're not only managing your own stress but also trying to create a calming environment for your teen. Box breathing, also known as four-square breathing, is a relaxation technique that can benefit both you and your anxious teen. What is Box Breathing? Box breathing is a simple and effective breathing exercise. It consists of four stages: inhaling, holding the breath, exhaling, and another breath hold.…

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Navigating the Start of the School Year: 10 Tips for Parents of Children with Learning Disabilities

The beginning of a new school year is a time filled with anticipation and excitement, but for parents of children with learning disabilities, it can also bring about unique challenges and concerns. As a parent, you play a pivotal role in supporting your child's education and well-being. Here are our top 10 tips to help you navigate the start of the school year and ensure a positive and successful learning experience for your child with…

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The Crucial Role of Regular Re-evaluation for Neurodiverse Children

When it comes to supporting the unique learning needs of neurodiverse children, an ongoing process of evaluation and assessment is essential. Neurodiverse children encompass a wide range of abilities and challenges, and their educational requirements evolve over time. Regular re-evaluation, typically conducted every 3-4 years, allows educators and parents to gain valuable insights into a child's progress, adapt interventions accordingly, and unlock their full potential. Understanding Neurodiversity: Neurodiversity is a concept that recognizes and respects…

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Unleashing Potential: 5 Ways that Tutoring can Help with Learning Disabilities or ADHD

Often, kids with learning disabilities like dyslexia or ADHD face extra challenges in school. These difficulties can affect their confidence and make learning harder. But there's something powerful that can make a big difference in their lives—tutoring. In this blog post, we'll explore how tutoring can help kids with learning disabilities or ADHD. It gives them personalized help, special attention, and a supportive learning environment that can unlock their true abilities. 1.It helps to create…

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Steps for Seeking a Learning Evaluation

When you have a child who needs an evaluation for learning disabilities or behavior issues, the process can be daunting. Below are four simple steps to help guide you through the evaluation process for your child. Step 1) Consult with the School Explain your concerns to your child’s teacher or principal. If it’s an academic issue, such as low reading performance, the school should be reaching out to you at parent-teacher conferences, as well as…

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