Zarlengo Foundation
Learning Evaluation Center
Is Your Child Struggling at School?
We can help. Our team of experts will provide a comprehensive psychoeducational evaluation, obtaining all relevant data through one combined report. Our multidisciplinary team consists of psychologists, speech-language pathologists and occupational therapists who produce an individualized, cohesive evaluation that identifies your child’s underlying academic and psychological strengths and opportunities, with results and recommendations for home, school and other environments.
Evaluations can be used to help inform the development of your child’s Individualized Education Plan (IEP), 504 plan or Advanced Learning Plan for Gifted or Twice-Exceptional (2e) learners. We also help physicians and mental health professionals identify potential challenges and work alongside your family and your child’s school to create healthy, supportive environments.
I worked with the LEC team to conduct psychoeducational evaluations for both of my boys. My youngest was struggling in third grade and the evaluation allowed his school to create a more supportive environment, including additional support for his speech delay and ADD. My older son was moving schools after 5th grade and needed an evaluation for placement. The evaluations were incredibly helpful in identifying not only their challenges, but their individual strengths and gifts.
– Laura, parent

About Us
The Zarlengo Foundation Learning Evaluation Center (LEC) opened in 2016 to provide high-quality, multidisciplinary evaluations for children ages 4 through 21 living in the greater Denver community. The LEC was formed in partnership with the Havern School, an independent K-8 school that has been serving students with learning disabilities since 1966, and with generous funding from the Zarlengo Foundation, which supports schools and programs for children with learning disabilities in the Denver metro area.